Baby girl is here!

Quick side note: This is not a recipe post, but I’m excited to share a big life update with you!
Molly Ray Martin was born on Saturday, May 11th - one day after her due date and the day before Mother's Day! And she is the absolute sweetest Mother's Day present I could have ever wished for.

I posted a bump photo on my due date, and I guess that was all the encouragement she needed to make her entrance, because I went into labor that evening & she was born the next morning!
She weighed in at 7 lbs. 12.8 oz., measured 20.5 inches long, and has a FULL head of hair!

There were some complications with her lungs, so she was whisked off to the NICU immediately after she was born and ended up spending five days there. The first week was a blur of constant back & forth trips to the hospital, but she just needed a little time to heal and she's all healthy now.
After the unexpected longer stay in the hospital, bringing her home with us was beyond wonderful. I've had lots of people tell me that when they first got home with their newborn they had a bit of an "OMG" moment when it really hit them that they were solely responsible for taking care of this tiny little baby...but we were just so happy to have her home with us instead of at the hospital that that feeling never really hit.

To address the obvious, I know I'm rather late with finally posting this update because somehow she's already eight weeks old! But hey, cut me some slack...we have a new baby! 😜
I think I've taken about 1,000 pictures of her already, and I could (and do) spend hours just staring at her sweet little face. She spends a lot of time napping on me (which is THE BEST) so it's pretty easy to do.

We are so in love with our little girl, and Charlie is a great puppy brother.

I'm going to take a little more time to soak up all the baby sweetness, but
I'll be back to regular recipe posts soon.

Sending lots of love from our family to yours, and wishing you lots of yummy noises!
What a great post to start my day. What a beautiful baby!
Thanks for sharing her adorableness with all of us.
She's adorable, Rachie!! You and Pete nailed it !!!!!!
Love your recipe posts, but take your time getting back to them and enjoy Molly!
Oh Rachel the pictures of Molly are so beautiful, we all enjoy your recipes but take your time and enjoy motherhood. XOXO Kate
Five stars????!!!
Congratulations!!!! Molly is beautiful and what a joy for you. Thank you for sharing your precious little one with me. Take your time posting. The little ones grow so fast
Can’t wait to (gently) pinch those cheeks. Hellooooo, Molly!! ???????????? She is just SO beautiful!
What an absolutely beautiful baby girl!
Thank you so much! 😊
Thank you for sharing your sweet baby Molly with us, Rachel!!!!
Enjoy every moment with your little bean! I may just have to remake one of your previous posts, so many yummy recipes to choose from!
Snuggle that sweet baby for me!!!!
Congratulations Rachel and Pete! So adorable! Lots of Love, Jan and Norm
You’ve got the sweetest baby on the whole internet! I could totally eat her up, but I think I’ll wait for the new recipes, LOL
Congratulations dear.. take care..
Thank you! ❤️
Just in time for Mothers day!!! She is adorable!!! Congratulations 🙂
Thank you so much, we’re so in love!!