My husband, Pete, and I met in college at Michigan State University. We moved around for a while and have lived in Illinois, Florida, and Texas, but finally came home to Michigan in 2022. We have a dog (Charlie), a daughter (Molly), and a son (Max). Pete is a huge motivator for me and when I had the flicker of an idea to start a food blog, he ran with it and set me up with Yummy Noises! Plus he's pretty good at computer stuff so he's a huge help with the site. Thanks, babe. 🙂
My family has always been focused on healthy eating, so in the kitchen I try to lean toward healthier recipes. That being said - it's hard to resist the occasional guilty pleasure and I like trying new things, so you'll find a mixture of all types of recipes here on Yummy Noises. Some are my recipes, some are from family, and some are my experience and tweaks from making someone else's recipe.
I think the absolute best way to gauge how good a recipe really is, is by the yummy noises - you know what I mean. The noises you make when you are eating something amazing and you just have to "mmmmm" and "mmhmmhmm" and "mmsogoodmm." To me - that is how you know that your food is really awesome, and those are some of my favorite sounds in the world.
Fun fact about me: my maiden name is Ray. Meaning that yes, for most of my life I was Rachel Ray. Food Network Rachael Ray started to get really famous when I was in high school, and I have spent many years assuring people that yes, my name is indeed Rachel Ray, no, I'm not "the real Rachael Ray," yes, actually I do like to cook, and sure, I guess you could say we kind of look alike (we both have dark hair and kind of the same shaped face, but that's about all I see of it).
I hope you enjoy trying the recipes from this blog, and that when you share the food with your loved ones, you hear all kinds of yummy noises.
"What are you gonna make?" YUMMY NOISES!